For English speakers

About me

Justyna Ciecwierz - Career Coach, Dreamer, Initiator and Working Mum. Passionate about the world's Bestseller for career-planners and job-hunters What Color Is Your Parachute?

About me...

My story is an example of implementing a passion at work, making a career change but also looking for a balance between work and family. I graduated from Organizational/ Industrial Psychology, at Warsaw University. For a couple of years I worked as an HR consultant for one of the major consulting companies in Poland (Neumann Management Institute). My area of specialty included Employee Research, Outplacements, Managerial Audits and Assessment Centers, as well as Organizational Development projects. As I look back over those years, it has been an amazing time with a lot of variety, fun and fulfillment.

My first big change occured when I was expecting my first child. At this same time, my employer decided to leave the business and that was when I started my own freelance practice. After a few projects, I decided to slow my career down and spend much more time with my small daughter. I realized that time goes so fast and the child is small only once. It was a decision I made deep in my heart and it may be one of the most important of my life.  

The break in my career lasted a few more years as my second child was born and then the third. For my husband and I, it was the fullfillment of the dream of our having a big family. When I was ready to return to work, I realized that I don't want to go back to the full-time project work in consulting. I decided to make a career change. I discovered career coaching and made use of it personally and launch my own practice. I was motivated by wanting to help people to find fulfillment and happiness at work. I've learned that the most valuable approach for me, is not to give the answers but to support my clients in their growth as humans. I enjoy helping them discover, pursue and excel in their professional passion. Thanks to Dick Bolles' book, What Color Is Your Parachute? I realized that my mission is to initiate the important projects and pioneer ideas for other people.

I am Associate Certified Career Coach, trained and graduated from Career Coach Institute (US). In 2008 I took part in Work/Life Planning Workshop led by Dick Bolles in CA, US.

I am passionate about helping professionals at different levels to discover their true career path and support them in a career planning and the career management process.

An additional calling of mine is to support mothers in their return to the job market after the break connected with raising the children.


Biuletyn Zmiana Zawodowa

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Jeśli myślisz o zmianie zawodowej, to już teraz możesz pobrać darmowy rozdział e-booka "Pracuj w zgodzie ze sobą. Zmiana zawodowa krok po kroku". Przekonaj się, czy zmiana zawodowa to właściwy krok dla Ciebie.

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